What we have here are two very similar dresses. Now I can't go into detail about the similarities and differeneces cause I don't own either dress (I am in the process how ever of the getting the replica). I will eventually show you the replica when it comes in...eventually. But the pictures don't show much of a difference. The lace at the bottom is different. While AP's is pink the replica (made by Dream of Lolita) has white lace. The ruffles also seem to be different. The replica seems to have lace ruffles while the original has ruffles out of fabric. That might be the picture but unless I can examine both in real life, I can't say much *sigh*
So tell me, are replicas worth the money saving offer? Did the replicas you buy acutally deliver? Or is better to throw down the 200 bucks for the real deal? Leave your intresting or creative respones BELOW! And who ever can guess where that came from gets to choose a topic for me to write about :)
Until next time,
Beckers <333
PS. No pictures are mine unless stated so.
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