Friday, August 6, 2010

The Scale *insert dramatic music here*

Now weight is a semi touchy subject for me. My dad has called me fat on a few occasions. Yes he says he's trying to help but it doesn't really work when he critizies my eating. But that's beside the point. The point is that when I weighed myself a few days ago (like Friday), I came to about 175 lbs. Now the scale we have is craptastic and yes I'll admit, I have gained weight over the year but...that much? That's 25 lbs from the beginning of the school year! Surely it must have not been that much? But there are many causes for weight gain.

Stress happens. It's in little kids. It's in young adults. It's in adults as well. Stress, well for me, caused me to freak out so much that I would eat to make myself feel better. Food clamed me but went straight to my thighs >.< So when your stressed try stay away from food. Go for a walk. Watch some mind numbing televison. Talk about something with your friends/ family. Just don't eat! It goes straight into the fat.

Now this might be a touchy subject for some. Now people cannot say I don't know about the effects of depression, cause I do. I'm on Prozac right now. This medicine, even though it might not be likely, can cause weight gain! I did start gaining weight when I took it so it might be it. But some of the fat is mine. Now just untreated depression can do the same thing stress does and casue the person to eat to make themselves feel better.

You might think "He/she is so perfect! How can he make me gain weight?" Well it all goes back to stress. Relationships can cause more stress than you think. Your always worrying that he/she won't like your outfit, you got something in your teeth, you gotta talk to him/her all the time, etc. You get my point right? Good :3
Now this might cause you to eat more unconciously but most likely you'll stop eating to try and look good for your other. But how does that make you gain weight? Without it's regualr dosage of food, your metabolism will begin to slow down. That being said, if you still eat the same amount, less of it will turn to energy and more will turn to fat.

School Lunch:
This is just a gimmie right here. Everyone knows about the controversy that schools are having with their lunches. If you don't read this article about what school lunches do to your body. Most school lunches are high in salt, sugar, and fat. All those fries will go to your thighs! The other side of the issue is (well at least at my school) that the healthy lunches are limited and very nasty. The salad is limp and going bad. The greens look to have been cooked in oil. Fruits are dirty and really bruised. It's hard to eat helathy when your options are so limited.

So that's it basically. Those are a few things that have made me and probably others gain weight. I stopped eating school luch but I still have a way to go before I fit into brand.
Until Next time,
Beckers <333

Ps. What makes you gain weight? And how do you lose it/keep it off?
Pss. No pictures or articles are mine unless stated.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I just started reading your blog. Yes, I have problems with weight as well. I related to everything you say here. When I moved in with my boyfriend I put on a lot of weight because we would always eat treats together, etc. I've only just become interested in lolita fashion, and I know if I lose weight I'll have many more options in what I can buy/wear. That's extra motivation!
    Good luck and keep writing.
    xx Katie.
