Monday, January 24, 2011

My triumphant return!!

I posted a stupid challenge on livejournal about a couple of years back but was too lazy and broke to ever complete it. But now that I'm officially established as a sweet lolita... I dunno if I can do it. Now the year of the lolita challenge is this. I am going to attempt to wear every single lolita style ever thought of in one year. Now that my sound hard, it may sound easy, it may just sound crazy. But I never got around to it. Why? Everything else got in the way. Emotions went haywire for me and I might end up having a few posts about it.  But, I'm sad to say the challenge had failed. But this is not a time to be sad. No, this is a time to try work other things out. This is a year where something good will happen. Good things have already been happening, like my awesome french teacher and the fact that Micheal (my lovely bf <3) is always there to talk to. This is 2011. This is my year! This is the Year of the Lolita :3
PS: You guys have probably wondered where I've been. Well >.>; Emotions were at it again. My school work got so stressful and I just...I just fell into this deep dark hole after the meetup with Tori. I tried to perk up again and I did see her before Christmas, which I shall post pics of later, but things were just not working out with me. Shit didn't just hit the ceiling, it was on the walls, all over the floor, in the food. It was a hot mess. If someone asks, I will type up the whole story but it was just a bad year 2010. But it's 2011 now. New semester. New boyfriend. New start! I have tons of new ideas and old ones that need to be worked on as well.

New ideas:
Get back into blogging - I think the reason I stopped blogging was cause I didn't have a schedule. You don't excatly need a schedule but it's good to have a routineish thing going for you. Helps you and your readers in my personal opinion.

Clean my room - Your probably wondering how that benefits you the readers. Well, my room is like many other beginner/lazy lolis room. You can see the floor which is a good thing but it's not to my liking. The drawers are kinda cramped up with loads of old vidoe games, books, test papers, etc. My new vanity, which I shall be eventually taking photos of, is cluttered up with makeup stuff. My special shelf on dresser is cluttered :( My poor dollies. This injustice will not be ignored!

Replica reviews - plus sized. I am fluffeh. And I am down proud of that fact. BUT!!! Many brands don't get the whole bigger than 85 cm thing (looking at you AP with your tiny waist skirts). So many I buy replicas, like many a loli do to save on a bit of cash. There are, also, alot of plus sized girls who do wear lolita though by altering the items they recieve. I am to lazy to do that and if you think about it, I can get alot more for my buck even if it's less quality.

Brand dress = 280
Alterations = 45 - 90 depending on how severe and what needs done.
So your about 400 dollars and that's one dress. One dress of excellent quality and made to your size.
I however like to know that I can use that money and buy a replica, of lesser quality but still ok, and purchase more. Call me cheap but it's the way I think. Most places will charge your for plus sized items cause they're custom made and take a lot more time. CLOBBAONLINE has Fantastic Dolly replica up for $57.95 not including shipping. My guess, cause I have yet to inquire them, that the replica itself will cost about 10-30 dollars more. Qutieland doesn't offer the replica....yet. It probably will in the future but that's my guess. I will post a warning though. The Fantastic Dolly replica was orignially posted with bad lace on the Dream of Lolita website. While they have new photos up on the site, CLOBBA still has photos of the bad lace on the JSK and the OP. So be warned.

Speaking of replicas, I actually did get my Qutieland order in...on Halloween! Wore my new Wonder Cookie Jsk to a party. I haven't uploaded any pics from my camera in months. I should get on that. >.>

Stop being lazy so much - This...this is my Achilies heel. I'm constantly lazing around and need to stop. It's causing so many problems like weight gain :(  What I need is a hobby but haven't really found one yet. Maybe blogging shall be the cure?

Lose weight - This is what started the whole blog and I have yet to do jackshit. So it's time to get off my ass and start hauling it. Walking more, eating better foods, and even *shudders* working out with my mother. Yep, it's come to this point. Maybe I should join a gym or a class. I'll find something.

Tutorials - Well, I have been wondering how this was going to work so I decided to figure out what I can do. I can teach everyone how to clean their room :D Eh joke but I don't think there's a fun way to do so. Makeup is not my biggest thing but I can teach you what NOT to do with makeup. And there's always the fun crafts that all the others do as well. The only craft I can really tell you how to make is...well. how to make ruffles and aprons. Only the half apron though, not little heart at the top.

Other randomness - I looked over my past entries and I noticed that I never did my interview with Lucky. Well, to catch you up, college is going good for her. Many lolitas that will be attending college soon or in the future should be aware of what might happen, what will probably happen, and what will happen. Yeah, some things you can't avoid. I'm also making plans to go to Animazement soon so as soon as I have the tickets, I'll let ya know.

Well, that's about it. I'm back and I'm not going anywhere for awhile. It's good to be back, it really is. Typing like crazy for about an hour is just so much fun :D And really tiring on a school night. So I'll be back later in the week with something. So until then, stay awesome!


PS. You know the drill, nothing is mine unless stated. geeze...